Screw:) Project
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Photo©︎Satoru Ikegami
Screw:) Project
After their creation in 2014, Smile Screws are now launching a participatory art project in 2016.
You can join by taking pictures of Smile Screws you have put in place, then uploading them to a special site where their locations are then marked on a map. The map displays the locations of Smile Screws around the world. You can view pictures of them or search for them in the real world. In addition, one dose of polio vaccine will be delivered to children in developing nations by the Japan Committee Vaccines for the World’s Children (JCV) for each Smile Screw sold. This project is aimed at bringing smiles to people who place screws, people who find screws, and beyond. It seeks to bring about small changes in everyday life, helping people share smiles. Its magic may have already started to work.
Design Release Date : 02/2016
Creative Direction / Design : Yuma Kano
WEB Art Direction : Kentaro Hirase (CANOPUS)
WEB Design : Yusaku Kimura (CANOPUS), Takumi Abe (CANOPUS)
Screw Manufacture : Komuro Industry
Client : screw project NPO
Video : Meitei Yamada
Photo : Haruka Aoki, Satoru Ikegami